Wednesday, August 1, 2007

the contradiction of the cross

I recall an old folk song that declares that there is "power, power, wonder-working power in the blood of the Lamb." I'm so familiar with it that it takes a moment for me to see the human absurdity in it. Power in the blood? Blood is violation. Blood is weakness. Blood is defeat. Blood is death. Where's the power in that?

This monring, Colossians 2:15 came to life for me. Paul assures Christians, "And, having disarmed the powers and authorities, [Jesus] made a spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross." Wait a minute. Are we talking about the same Jesus who was accused, beaten, spat upon, humiliated, pierced, strung up and abandoned? That hardly sounds like someone on their way to winning State Title. But, it was only through the cross that the enemy was crushed. Jesus fulfilled the Law and conquered sin, humiliated Satan and defeated death. At His weakest, Jesus was mightier that the enemy at his fiercest. It's upside down, I confess. But then, there's no mistaking who gets the glory.


Anonymous said...

This thought comes to mind.

Everyday we have obstacles to "cross" that He brings us to. They are tests. When they occur, don't go through them alone. Remember Him and with His help, we too will cross them. Then give Him the glory and await the next one.

pwarren said...

Don't really have any comments at this time. But I love reading everyones thoughts. David, don't worry about the margins. At my age everyone has a little extra on the sides. Pat

Anonymous said...

And how about this in 1 Peter (from our Scroll study this week):

1 Pet 1:18,19 - We are "ransomed...with the precious blood of Christ, like that of a lamb without spot or blemish".

Jars of Clay, with the Blind Boys of Alabama, do an AWESOME version of "Nothing but the Blood". We love to play that song with the kids: the words move our hearts and the music moves our feet!

Anonymous said...

ONE died so many could live...A FATHER gave up HIS one and only son...for the sinner...for me.
A bit of "sticky situation" to watch and take in for those who were 'there'/witnessed it...probably a bit messy to observe a crucifixion? I am reminded to say "Thank you, Jesus for the uncomfortableness of the cross, the name calling, the being stripped naked in humility...for the "bit" of pain and mocking of the crown of thrones...for walking ALL THE WAY to the cross and committing to loving me/us and stepping up on that wooden blood stained cross...dying so I could live" YOU did it! YOU didn't say "Later,FATHER."
"Almost" is a sad word in any man's runs herd with "nearly," "next time", "if only", and "just about".
"Almost" is used too comfortably in today's world...
"He almost got it together."
"She almost chose not to leave him for another man."
"I almost stayed in the game of raising our children"
"I almost opened the Bible to know HIS take on right and wrong for my life."
"I almost became a Christian."
"I almost got up to pray this morning...later, Lord."
"I almost got a bit uncomfortable and told the lost, lonely, depressed friend about the true Friend in JESUS and the undying love of JESUS, the Comforter, Jesus."
Dr. Luke reminds us in chapter 23 a choice of Pilate: v22/"A third time he (Pilate) said to them (the crowd), Why, what evil has he done? I have found in him no crime deserving death; I will therefore chastise him and relase him. But they (the crowd) were urgent, demanding with loud cries that he should be cruicified. AND THEIR (crowd) VOICES PREVAILED. (caps my input). You're right Dr. Luke..."their voices prevailed...and as a result Pilates pride prevailed. Pilate's fear of "they" prevailed. Pilate's power-hunger prevailed...Pilate's polestar was mere man.
Satan uses voices of the world to woo us into an "almost mindset" of disobediance...futility.
"One time won't hurt."
"She'll never know."
"Other people do much worse things."
"Later Lord, I'll get to you later!"

The Father of lies croons and woos like a traveling peddler...robbing me/you of all that Christ intended for through HIS Son..through HIS WORD. With Jesus on the are either with HIM or against HIM. With Jesus "nearly" has to be "certainly." "Sometimes" has to become "always". "If only" has to become "regaradless." NO, JESUS NEVER HAD ROOM FOR 'ALMOST' AND HE STILL DOESN'T. "ALMOST" may count in horseshoes and hand grenades, but with the MASTER, it is just as good as "never".
(may I/us be an Eph. 5:1 follower...all the way to the cross of uncomfortableness...onto VICTORY of "well done good and faithful servant.")