Tuesday, August 14, 2007

order in the courts?

Have you watched the news today? The University of Florida has restricted Beta Upsilon Chi fraternity from being a campus organization on it's college campus. The reason: Beta Upsilon Chi (Brothers Under Christ) is a Christian men's organization. The fraternity faced similar hurdles on two other college campuses. When they moved toward legal action, the universities dusted off their copy of the United States Constitution and recognized the fraternity's freedom of religion. Today, Fox News has been covering the latest developments and the impending suit.

This hits especially close to home for me. In the Spring of 1985, I and 20 other friends started Beta Upsilon Chi (nicknamed BUX) on the University of Texas campus. Since then, the fraternity has multiplied into 21 chapters and God is doing an incredible work--far beyond what we founding fathers ever imagined when we began meeting weekly in the basement of University Christian Church. On the one hand, I'm sad that Christians have to battle for community. On the other hand, how exciting that our fraternity has gained such momentum that it has threatened spiritual forces who would prefer that Christians never gather in the name of Jesus. In the meantime, I remember that "the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord" (Proverbs 21:1) and God will determine the outcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting this. BYX is still a huge part of many men's lives today even after leaving campus. What a difference your vision and the vision the 19 others has made on so many people. We can only pray that God will continue to work at the Universtiy of Florida in ways that we can't even being to imagine.