Wednesday, May 6, 2009

looking up

A temporary Sunday School teacher was struggling to open a combination lock on the supply cabinet. She had been told the combination, but couldn't quite remember. Finally, she went to the pastor's study and asked for help. The pastor came into the room and began to turn the dial. After the first two numbers he paused and stared blankly for a moment, and then he looked serenely heavenward while his lips moved silently. Suddenly he looked back at the lock and quickly turned to the final number, opening the lock. The teacher was amazed. "I'm in awe at your faith, pastor," she said. "It's really nothing," the pastor answered. "The number is on a piece of tape on the ceiling."

Tomorrow morning, I'm scheduled to attend a gathering at a downtown church to support my friend, Jerry McCullough, Arlington School Superintendent, who will be speaking at a breakfast for the National Day of Prayer. Though our President has chosen not to recognize the day like previous Presidents [see today's news report], thousands of other Americans from all walks of life will pause to remember the importance of prayer.

I preached on prayer this last week as a conclusion to our short, Spiritual Warfare series. But, let me be honest: Prayer is hard for me. It always has been. I actually enjoy the dialogue of prayer. It's just the discipline of getting to the conversation that is a daily challenge for me.

Still, I am convinced that prayer is where spiritual battles are fought. Prayer is how we lay claim to the power of God to "stand firm" with spiritual victory. Prayer is how we wear the armor of God [Ephesians 6:10-20]. Prayer is turning to God, talking to God and trusting in God. Apart from the practice of prayer, none of us can unlock the supply cabinet of heaven--God's resources for abundant living. So I write to remind you--and me--to keep looking up in prayer.


Anonymous said...

Prayer is wonderful if it means a striving for peace within. It doesn't mean anything when crowds mouth words parrotlike.

Anonymous said...

Prayer may be important in your life, but not mine. If it makes you happy, more power to you. But this President is earning FAR more respect by showing his faith, but not shoving it under people's noses.

Resoect is earned, not demanded.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You hit the nail on thw head !

David Daniels said...

Anonymous, I couldn't agree more! When a crown simply mouths words, parrot-like, it means nothing. However, when a multitude come together and genuinely seek the heart of God, that's powerful and compelling!

David Daniels said...

I don't think that a President affirming a National Day of Prayer is "shoving" prayer under anyone's noses. It affirms that prayer is a stabilizing force for people of many faiths. However, I DO agree with you that a President that demonstrates his faith is more persuasive than a President who simply signs a declaration. My prayers are with Obama (and every President) that they will consistently turn to God in prayer...not because it makes them happy, but because it connects them with the living God and makes them usable. Thanks for writing!

Anonymous said...

I feel that anonymous, Pastor David, or I cannot "know the heart or the intent of the heart" of the person praying. Only GOD gets the privilege of "examining" the heart..."God prepares the heart's desire" Ps.10:17 I am assuming thru the truth of GOD's Word that when He prepares a heart...He must know the intent of the heart. So...IF a man should boast...let Him boast in the Lord alone...if man should bow for anyone's loyalty or approval through their devotion to prayer life or a life of prayer...should it not be for their SAVior..their FATHER's approval? (Ro.2:17) We cannot control what 'mere man' thinks of us when we pray...what a soldier prays in a foxhole in battle...when a man prays for a dying wife...when a father prays for a wayward child...when a SAVIOR, JESUS prays in a garden before His crucifixion...or a President who has been blessed to lead a country out of dire circumstances and prays in faith...GOD says (and He is NOT kidding...winking at us as in jest) when saying these very words "Be devoted to prayer."Col. 4:2...God did NOT mention or add to that verse.. "only if you look "authentic" to those observing" or "only if you are approved by those observing you" Pray without matter what mere man thinks! Jer. 33:3 tells us w/o question to call on GOD and HE will answer.......
So let me just add that I would rather have a President of the USA to pray...pray more...pray NO matter the MOST HIGH GOD and NOT look to man's approval or Anonymous' approval. Look to GOD approval alone...GOD knows a phoney...GOD is wise enough to detect an authenic heart sold out to HIS will and HIS way! PRAY ON PRESIDENT...and for the President who DOES NOT pray with others and/or in private...GOD examines the heart and intent of man...and he/we will give an account..because GOD answers the prayers of a rightous heart...and God know righteousness! HE is GOD.

David Daniels said...

Anonymous, thanks for all the great Scriptures that remind us of the place of prayer. Of course, those who observe a National Day of Prayer aren't necessarily being inauthentic or boastful or pridefully public about their prayers. I'm sure that's not what you were implying. I just thought I'd clarify. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your clarifying! I tend to get a bit wordy. Bottom a President or person who is crazy in love with Christ...should want to pray! Day or a crowd at National Day of Prayer...or beside their bed. "Be devoted to prayer" Col. 4:2...and if one has a close and intimate relationship with a person and ESPECIALLY Jesus will automatically want to communicate and share their deepest concerns and dreams with their best Friend...Jesus! That simple! If my spouse claims he loves me...he is going to want to communicate with me often and no matter who is around (not ashamed of me!)so that others will see my love, passion, and loyalty is to my husband...or in this case...the Groom...JESUS CHRIST. That's what people who are crazy in love with each other do!
When we keep in close communion in prayer...HE "moves mountains from here to there" in prayer! "You do not have because you do not ask." James 4:2 Prayer moves the hand that moves the world. That "hand" belongs to Jesus Christ.
President Obama NEEDS "than hand" to move some very difficult circumstances in the goood ol' USA...he needs to bow and bend to CHRIST. He is faithful and true...Rev. 19:11!!!!