Thursday, April 16, 2009


The last several months have been interesting for me. God has used a variety of seemingly unrelated experiences and events to sharpen my spiritual focus on the need for personal and corporate renewal and a return to the fundamentals of the faith. Here are a few key influences for me:

1. I finished Why We're Not Emergent [DeYoung and Kluck]--a very thoroughly researched and thoughtfully presented exploration of a movement sweeping throughout the United States that is supplanting historical Christianity with a pseudo-experiential knock off. I am reminded that, "in the last days," people will become peddlers of "new truth."

2. Tarrant Net's Pastor's Renewal Conference with Jim Cymbala, Tony Evans and Alec Rowlands was better than I ever anticipated. Rather than give a formula for revival, the speakers continued to call for a return to God's Word and His Spirit. These two [see Ezekiel 37] are non-negotiables for renewal.

3. I have started reading two books of revival: Revival Praying [by Leonard Ravenhill-a recent influencer of contemporary revival] and Rut, Rot or Revival [by A.W. Tozer]. I am not expecting new information, but additional layers of encouragement to pursue God's Word and His Spirit.

4. I am starting a sermon series on spiritual warfare this week. My understanding of this topic has been greatly enlarged by Ray Stedman's Spiritual Warfare and Clinton Arnold's 3 Crucial Questions About Spiritual Warfare. I am reminded that, while the devil, the flesh and the world continues to exert influence on me, they are, in no way, irresistible. God's power in me has set me free and God's power through me enables me to "stand firm" [see Ephesians 6:10-13].

5. I am challenged by events that are happening at Pantego Bible Church. We just experienced what one longtime minister said was "perhaps the greatest Easter weekend at our church in over 10 years." Indeed, there was a marvelous spirit of unity, joy, expectation and power. It seems like God has been readying us for certain challenges that every God-centered church will face. I am pleased that the response of our Elders is to pray.

6. I have enjoyed discipling 4 men on Wednesday mornings, walking through each of the Core Competencies of our church one-by-one. How refreshing it has been to see spiritual lights turn on and truth hit its mark in the hearts of eager learners. I remember how exciting it was, as a college pastor, to invest my life in the lives of others.

As all of these things are converging into something yet unknown. I'm not sure I can connect all the dots. I feel a little like a guy who has been given a string, a stick and a streamer only to learn later that he's supposed to build a kite. But, based on where I've been, I'm excited to see where all of this is going!


da momma said...

your posts are always so inspiring and encouraging! Thanks for the insight into your heart! :)

David Daniels said...

Thanks da momma!!!!

R said...

thanks for this insight! the Dees family will buckle up to join you in what God has in store for our church body!

i am SO EXCITED about the new sermon a full-time wife/mother/homemaker, i'm really taken by the "shield of faith" concept this week. it's helping me so much in actively deflecting feelings of inadequacy that are certainly not from God. i have to actively pick up the shield and use it. and it's working! :0)

Suzy Finigan said...

Good post, David. Regarding Easter morning at Pantego: Near the beginning of the 1st service, Keith (I think it was him) said "HE IS RISEN!!" The shouts and cheers and ruckus from the congregation made me feel like we were back in 33 A.D. and had just found out that Jesus had been raised from the dead! It was like we were THERE! I have NEVER felt that at church before.

I truly do agree with you that we are coming into a period of severe challenges for Christians. So, please continue to give us the knowledge we need to prevail.