Thursday, October 1, 2009

lessons in purity

For the last several weeks, I have been preaching a new series: "SEVEN: Pursuit of the Perfect Church." Through this survey of the 7 churches of Revelation, we are learning how to become a less-than-imperfect church. Through the church of Ephesus, we learned a lesson about love. At Smyrna, we learned about persecution and suffering. In Pergamum, we learned about the importance of truth. This week, we travel to Thyatira and are reminded about moral purity.

To help us hold a high standard, my family uses an Internet filter. I know there are a hundred different software programs available. But, I personally endorse SafeEyes. I have been incredibly impressed with how the software blocks or allows sites and allows me to manage the amount of time that my children spend on the Internet. If you don't have a program, let me encourage you to check it out. It's a very low price to pay for high living.


psalm27_1 said...

Thank you so much for encouraging everyone to use an internet filter! If only I would have used son would not have ended up in prison and labeled a sex offender for the rest of his life. I take much of the blame for his situation, and feel that I'm a failure as a mother. I definitely failed my son. I allowed a computer in his room. Why, oh why was I SO stupid??! At the time, I truly didn't know that there were such awful things to be found on the internet. I was way too naive and FAR to trusting. I did speak to both of my children about pornography and warned them not to chat with anyone online. Wish I knew then the things I know now. My son was sucked into a world that he didn't belong in at the tender age of 16. The police were onto him for quite some time. They came to my office and told me that my son was involved in child pornography, and that the FBI was at my house waiting to go in and search our house and confiscate our computers. I was stunned. I was numb. They had been watching him online until he was 18 (of legal age). Maybe they knew who he was the whole time...maybe they didn't, but couldn't they have stopped it sooner...before his life was ruined? He apparently had thousands of pictures. Now, he didn't take pictures of any of the children...that I know of. He never touched a child...goodness, he was not much more than a child himself! How could I have let this happen to my little child! I am much more computer savvy now, but a lot of good that does for my son. He served just under 2 years in prison for possession of child pornography. He has been back home for a little over a year, and will be on parole for 2 more years. He has done well, but it's been difficult finding work. He is 22 now, and trying so hard to fit in and live a normal life. Only one friend really stuck by him during the time he was in prison. The rest dropped him like a hot potato the minute the news was released. He can never use a computer again as I understand, can't go to church (he sure needs it!), can't go inside a mall (does not need to go there anyway), and there many other things he can't do or places he can't go. He's home now though, and he wants to be successful in life. He goes to his weekly group meetings, and sees his parole officer when he is supposed to. With lots of prayer, I know that he will eventually be OK. So PLEASE...PLEASE...if you have children and computers...I strongly urge you to use a filter, check the history on the computer and place the computer where you can see your child as they use it. I might also suggest that parents lock the computer when you can't be around to supervise. Don't worry about making the kids mad while you peek over their shoulder. Kids are all so private these days, but don't let that stop you. Check up on them, and don't be naive and stupid like me or your child could end up with a similar story as my child. With as many good things as there are to be found on the net, there are equally as many evil things to lure your children in. I know this may sound harsh to many of you, but if I had the chance to do it over again knowing what I know now, these are some of the things I would do. Praying for all of our children who have stumbled upon those terrible, awful, sad, horrific images (and those poor little ones who are in them) that those images would be erased from their memories and replaced with images that are pure, and good and innocent.

Julianna Farmer said...

Just wondering...what are your family's time limits for internet?

David Daniels said...

Julianna, My 2 boys each get 1.5 hours on the internet per day and it automatically shuts down at 10:30. Jenna gets 45 minutes.

David Daniels said...

Psalm 27_1, I am so sorry for the great pain that you and your family has experienced through the corruption on the Internet. Thanks for your strong admonition to parents. I don't think we can be TOO careful. Grace and peace--David