Tuesday, January 27, 2009

out of bounds

As I continue to learn about the Down & Out of our community, I am coming across a variety of resources that put flesh onto the bone of poverty. You might consider checking some of these out:

An incredible, 1987 Life magazine photo essay on homelessness [NOTE: some strong language]

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger resource that gives one perspective of the global issue

Fort Worth and Arlington Plans to End Chronic Homelessness

A timely collection of music from known artists to support compassion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read the 1987 Life magazine photo essay...22 years later and I doubt if things are any better. What a hard-hitting essay...I can't get those people out of my mind. The pictures were especially heart-rending. As the mom of two daughters, the little girl on the shower floor made me weep.